Debit & Credit User Guide
URL Schemes
URL Schemes is an advanced feature that is available for users who want to automate creating new transactions in Debit & Credit in iOS. URL schemes are generally used with the Shortcuts app.
The app is using the x-callback-url specification, all of its actions should be formatted as follows: dcapp://x-callback-url/[actionName]?[queryParameters]
Please note that all URL query parameters have to be properly encoded.
Creating Expense: /expense
The following arguments are supported for this action:
amount [string, required] : Decimal number to be used for this transaction. Should always have a positive value, no spaces or separators except for the decimal point. account [string, required] : Account name for the transaction. Case sensitive, requires an existing account in the app with the same name. description [string, optional] : Transaction description. If you want to use an existing description, provide a case sensitive value. category [string, optional] : Transaction category. Case sensitive, requires an existing category in the app with the same name. payee [string, optional] : Transaction payee. If you want to use an existing payee, provide a case sensitive value. tag [string, optional] : Transaction tag. If you want to use an existing tag, provide a case sensitive value. notes [string, optional] : Custom note to use for the transaction.
Example: using the following URL will create an expense for 500.34 on account Amex, category Computers and payee Apple Store.dcapp://x-callback-url/expense?amount=500.34&account=Amex&category=Computers&payee=Apple%20Store
Creating Income: /income
The arguments are the same as for the expense action.
Example: using the following URL will create an income for 1200 on account Citibank, category Salary and payee Work.dcapp://x-callback-url/income?amount=1200&account=Citibank&category=Salary&payee=Work
Creating Transfer: /transfer
The following arguments are supported for this action:
amount [string, required] : Decimal number to be used for this transaction. Should always have a positive value, no spaces or separators except for the decimal point. source_account [string, required] : The source account name. Case sensitive, requires an existing account in the app with the same name. destination_account [string, required] : The destination account name. Case sensitive, requires an existing account in the app with the same name. description [string, optional] : Transaction description. If you want to use an existing description, provide a case sensitive value. notes [string, optional] : Custom note to use for the transaction.
Example: using the following URL will create a transfer from account Citibank to account Amex for 2000.dcapp://x-callback-url/transfer?amount=2000&source_account=Citibank&destination_account=Amex
Shortcuts App
You can use URL schemes to create your own shortcuts in the Shortcuts app. Here are some sample shortcuts that you can download: expense, income and transfer.
Related topics: Voice shortcuts, Siri support, transactions.