Debit & Credit User Guide

URL Schemes


URL Schemes is an advanced feature that is available for users who want to automate creating new transactions in Debit & Credit in iOS. URL schemes are generally used with the Shortcuts app.

The app is using the x-callback-url specification, all of its actions should be formatted as follows:

Please note that all URL query parameters have to be properly encoded.

Creating Expense: /expense

The following arguments are supported for this action:

amount [string, required] : Decimal number to be used for this transaction. Should always have a positive value, no spaces or separators except for the decimal point.
account [string, required] : Account name for the transaction. Case sensitive, requires an existing account in the app with the same name.
description [string, optional] : Transaction description. If you want to use an existing description, provide a case sensitive value.
category [string, optional] : Transaction category. Case sensitive, requires an existing category in the app with the same name.
payee [string, optional] : Transaction payee. If you want to use an existing payee, provide a case sensitive value.
tag [string, optional] : Transaction tag. If you want to use an existing tag, provide a case sensitive value.
notes [string, optional] : Custom note to use for the transaction.

Example: using the following URL will create an expense for 500.34 on account Amex, category Computers and payee Apple Store.

Creating Income: /income

The arguments are the same as for the expense action.

Example: using the following URL will create an income for 1200 on account Citibank, category Salary and payee Work.

Creating Transfer: /transfer

The following arguments are supported for this action:

amount [string, required] : Decimal number to be used for this transaction. Should always have a positive value, no spaces or separators except for the decimal point.
source_account [string, required] : The source account name. Case sensitive, requires an existing account in the app with the same name.
destination_account [string, required] : The destination account name. Case sensitive, requires an existing account in the app with the same name.
description [string, optional] : Transaction description. If you want to use an existing description, provide a case sensitive value.
notes [string, optional] : Custom note to use for the transaction.

Example: using the following URL will create a transfer from account Citibank to account Amex for 2000.

Shortcuts App

You can use URL schemes to create your own shortcuts in the Shortcuts app. Here are some sample shortcuts that you can download: expense, income and transfer.

Related topics: Voice shortcuts, Siri support, transactions.