Debit & Credit User Guide

Account Folders

About Account Folders

Folders is not something that you need if you have only 4 or 5 accounts in the app. However, they become essential if you have more than 10 accounts.
Improved organization in the account list is not the only benefit of folders, you will also notice faster account selection when creating a new transaction.

To use account folders, you need version 3.0 of Debit & Credit or higher. Premium version is also required.

Creating Account Folders

In the iOS app, account folders are managed and created in the app settings. Select "Accounts" in the app settings, then tap on the button in the bottom panel. In the Mac app, you need to click on "File" in the menu bar and then select the relevant menu item.

When creating a folder you will be presented with the following two options:

Icon - your custom icon for this folder and its accounts. Requires version 5.0 of the app.
Hidden folder - enable if you want this folder to be hidden from the main account list.
Show folder balance - when this option is enabled, the account folder is displayed in the main account list.

Managing Account Folders

In the iOS app, you can edit and delete account folders in the app settings ("Accounts" section). In the Mac app, you need to right click a folder to either delete or edit it. Also on the Mac, you can drag and drop new accounts into folders.

Please note that deleting a folder does not delete its accounts.

Folders and Other Accounts

Folders will be always listed after any other accounts. You can reorder folders but you can't move a folder to the top of the account list if you have other accounts (not in folders).

Related topics: general information about transactions, iOS App Interface, Mac App Interface.