Debit & Credit User Guide

Apple Card

About Apple Card

Apple Card is a credit card from Apple that features a cashback of 1%, 2% or 3% on transactions. Debit & Credit will help you to create those cashback transactions.

To use this feature, you need version 3.1 of Debit & Credit or higher.

Use Apple Wallet Integration Instead

There is now an automatic import of Apple Card transactions using the Apple Wallet Integration. Please consider using it instead.

Create Necessary Accounts

You need to have two accounts in the app: "Apple Card" and an account for cashback. If you want your cashback to be in Apple Savings account, you need to have an account called "Apple Savings". The other option is "Apple Cash" account. They have to be named precisely that way.

Creating a Cashback

When you create a new expense transaction on the "Apple Card" account, the app will suggest creating a cashback transaction. The app will ask you whether you want to create a cashback for 1%, 2% or 3%. A cashback transaction will be created on the either in "Apple Savings" or "Apple Cash" account. The savings account will have a priority (in case if you have both).

Refunding a Transaction

If you refund a transaction on the "Apple Card" account, the app will ask about the applicable cashback rate and then will create a necessary daily adjustment transaction on your cashback account.

Related topics: general information about transactions, iOS App Interface, Mac App Interface.