Debit & Credit User Guide

Apple Wallet Integration - Import

Import Process

The app periodically checks for transactions in Apple Wallet and imports them into the app. They are synced to your other devices via iCloud. You don't need to do anything else to get transactions imported.

Metadata Processing (Payees and Categories)

For most expense transactions, Apple Wallet will provide Debit & Credit with a merchant name and a merchant category.

Here is how Debit & Credit will handle them:
Step 1. The app checks if there is a merchant name available for a transaction.
Step 2. If there is an import rule for a merchant (read below about import rules), it will be applied and the next steps won't happen.
Step 3. The merchant name will be used as a payee. If you don't have a payee name saved in the app, it will be created.
Step 4. If a payee was previously used in the app and it was used with a particular category, that category will be automatically assigned to a transaction.
Step 5. If it is a new payee or it does not have a previously used category, the app will check for a merchant category provided by Apple Wallet. If there is one and it is recognised, the app will assign the appropriate category from the list of existing categories. It will never create a new category during the import process.

Daily Cash

Daily Cash transactions should be automatically recognised by the app when the following conditions are met:
• both Apple Card and Apple Cash accounts are activated
• both the daily cash transaction and the relevant Apple Card expense were imported by the app
• the relevant Apple Card expense has a category assigned, not just a payee

Import Rules

Sometimes merchant names provided from credit cards are not "pretty". You can assign your own payee and/or category for any merchant imported by the app.
For instance, you can create a rule for the merchant "APPLE.COM/BILL" that will automatically use a payee "Apple" and a category "Subscriptions". You can also apply a description or a tag.
To manage import rules, tap on the button in the bottom of your integration screen (displayed when you have an active integration).

Related topics: general information about Apple Wallet integration, reporting an issue with Apple Wallet integration.